Privacy Policy

We may process your Personal Data in the context of our collaboration and/or during your visit to our website.

The challenge for joints in industrial floors

Privacy and cookie policy

1. Introduction

We may process your Personal Data in the context of our collaboration and/or during your visit to our website. In this policy we endeavor to inform you in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible way as to the processing of your Personal Data, using clear and plain language. 

This Policy applies to you as a client, as a possible future client or other affected party, such as a company contact person, with regards to the products of HCJ, including all information and tools available on this Website. Regardless of what capacity you act in, your rights do not change and we will treat your data with equal care.

By ticking the “I Agree”-box, you consent with the specific aspects of this Policy. We update this Policy from time to time, so please review it regularly. The most recent version is always available on our Website (


2. The name and address of the controller

Your personal data is processed by Hengelhoef Concrete Joints, a limited liability company (“naamloze vennootschap”), incorporated under the laws of Belgium with registered office at 3600 Genk, Hengelhoefstraat 158, with company number 0877.977.088 (hereinafter, “HCJ”, “us”, “we” or “our”).

3. The data we collect

We collect the following Personal Data, whether received directly from you or from third parties: name, e-mail, company, function, phone number.


4. The goal and legal basis of the processing

Firstly, your Personal Data is necessary for, and will be used to, enable us to correctly handle the agreement you aim to enter into or have entered into with us or to provide assistance regarding a specific request or complaint. 

Secondly, we use your information for direct marketing purposes, such as newsletters and to inform you of any changes, offers, updates or other announcements about our products. You will only receive electronic direct marketing communications if you have given us your explicit consent by ticking the “I Agree”-box provided on our Website. You can suspend your consent at any time, just as easily as you gave it.

Thirdly, we also use your Personal Data to function as a business. This is known as our “legitimate interests”. There are various situations in which Personal Data is processed as a legitimate interest, e.g. for statistical purposes, to carry out surveys, to develop marketing models, to improve our services and products (e.g. after sale services) or to ensure the safety, security and surveillance of persons and goods. In that regard, HCJ ensures that the impact on your privacy is kept to a minimum and that, in all events, our legitimate interests remain proportionate to the impact that upholding them has on your privacy. If you nonetheless object to this data being processed, you can exercise your right to object (see below).

Finally, we process Personal Data when this is necessary to comply with a legal obligation (e.g. fiscal, social, competition, privacy obligations and inspection, money loundering, fraud, …). 

We do not make automatic decisions (whether or not based on profiling) that affect you in any way.


5. Your rights

When your Personal Data is processed, the following rights are entitled to you free of charge:  

  • You can inspect your data
  • You can have your data corrected
  • You can have your data deleted
  • You can object to your data being used for certain purposes
  • You can refuse to allow your data to be processed fully automatically
  • You can ask for your Personal Data to be transferred to a third-party

These rights are conditional upon the terms and conditions set forth by the General Data Protection Regulation. You will find additional information here: 

To exercise these rights, we ask you to send a clear request, to the address mentioned below, that clearly states the scope of your request. This request shall be signed and dated and shall contain a copy of the front side of your identity card. 


6. Cookies

    6.1 What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are saved on your computer when you visit web pages. They contain information linked to a web browser and the specific website. They are saved in a specific folder on your hard drive. If you return to a specific website, this page can recognize the visitor by means of the cookie and further elaborate the history. Cookies are used to increase visitor-friendliness: by identifying visitors with a cookie, they do not always have to enter the same data such as login information or screen settings every time you visit the website.

    6.2 Which kind of cookies exist?

Often a distinction is made between two large groups of cookies:

  • First-party cookies: these cookies are created by a website to have the web page function better. They regulate the technical part of a site, such as language choice or remembering the products in the shopping basket in an online store. The visited website creates and places first-party cookies.


  • Third party cookies: these cookies are created and placed on your computer by another (third) party than the website you visit. They remember the behavior of a surfer. Examples are social media such as Facebook or Twitter, but Google Analytics as well. This is the system used most to measure website visits.

    6.3 Which cookies do we use?

We mainly use first-party cookies to help improve your user experience on the Site. We do this by recording specific information about the user such as the language chosen, the pages visited and the duration of the visits. 


The Website also uses third-party cookies such as cookies from Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free service by Google to collect statistics of websites and to represent them in detail. The website administrator gains a clear view of visitor flows, traffic flows and page displays. This way it is possible to adapt parts of a website or complete websites to the behaviour and interests of the visitors. 

We will only use other third-party cookies (such as targeting cookies by Facebook), after receiving your consent (through an opt-in or through the consent given in your web browser).

    6.4 How to manage cookies?

You can do so by adapting your browser settings. You can choose to block cookies or to accept only cookies from specific websites. 


7. Security measures

HCJ has taken all reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that your Personal Data is processed securely. If you have any questions on these security measures, feel free to contact us at the address mentioned below.

8. Processing term

The starting point for storing your Personal Data is the statutory retention period which is often ten years after the end of a contract or execution of a transaction. The period can be longer where needed for the exercise of our rights. If no retention period is stipulated by law, it can be shorter. Personal Data on potential client prospects is used by HCJ for five years unless, in the meantime, there has been contact with the prospect. In that case, a new five-year period starts. Prospects can always ask for their Personal Data to be removed.


9. Transfer of data

We only transfer your Personal Data to countries or bodies outside of the European Economic Area on the basis of an adequacy decision, subject to appropriate safeguards or in the event necessary to perform the contract entered into between us, to perform a contract entered into between us and a third party in your interest  or upon your explicit authorisation. In the event that we transfer your Personal Data to countries outside of the European Economic Area, we provide that such transfer is done in line with applicable Data Protection Legislation. 


10. Contact information


For all your questions and/or complaints regarding this Policy, please contact us first at the e-mail address: 


You are also entitled to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. In Belgium, this is the Belgian Data Protection Authority (


Drukpersstraat 35 

1000 Brussel


+32 (0)2 274 48 00